Tuesday, December 1, 2009


HIP HOP SAVES LIVES is a entertainment company dedicated to educating and elevating the global hip hop community. Our primary focus is our philanthropic purpose which is to bring clean and safe drinking water to African countries, with a focus on the country of Chad and the Sudanese refugees. We fund sustainable water solutions for some of the world's poorest people. We are here to inspire the world of hip hop to take responsibility for local, national and global issues. Our motto is "we don't talk about it, we be about it".

GOD has given me a gift by placing the responsibility of "HIP HOP SAVES LIVES" on my heart. I currently live in new york city, but like to say that I am a citizen of the world. Living in NYC has exposed me to people and their way of life from all across the globe. These same people have given my career as a hip hop artist and producer much love and shown me that many if not all nation have a love for this artform. This lead me to title the artist in me F.A.M. which means (for all mankind). I challenge myself when writing songs to speak to the world and not a demographic. We are all people of the same planet. That's the way I chose to look at the world. Yes I am an American, a New yorker, I was born and raised in Cleveland,Ohio, who went to Shaker Hts, high school, so I'm a shaker raider and a Morehouse man from my college years and the list goes on and on and on. Before all of those titles I am a human being, as we all are.
All other subtitles describe our journey in life, but not who we are. This organization "Hip Hop Saves LIves" is here to take this message across the globe. "That we are all from the same planet". Those simple words go a long way. If we think of this first when we think of people it makes it much easier to care for one another. Hip hop at the core is a simple artfrom. A beat and a rhyme, Anyone can do it and that's whaT so many are involved. Once again something simple has gone a very long way. All are welcome. come join us in our journey to spread this simple message through a simple art form that has the whole world watching and the whole world performing.www.africa256.wordpress.com

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