Thursday, August 30, 2012

ClearlySo's seventh annual Social Business Conference

October 9
London, England
This annual event aimed at aspiring social entrepreneurs will explore the movement of social investment capital and identify the opportunities for ambitious social entrepreneurs in this fast-growth, 'boom' sector. This year's theme focuses on raising capital in a climate of austerity and a diverse line up of speakers will be exploring topics throughout the day such as social investment, sustainable business practices, and crowd-funding. Learn more at

Bayimba Festival Of the arts 2012

Bayimba Festival of the arts 2012
The 5th edition of the Bayimba International Festival of the Arts is scheduled from 21st till 23rd of September 2012 at the Uganda National Theatre in the city centre of Kampala.

Bayimba Cultural Foundation takes credit for having established the Bayimba International Festival of the Arts as an important benchmark for the consumption of Uganda’s finest arts. Every third week of September, Kampala comes alive as a vibrant and eventful city when an unparalleled feast of music, dance, theatre, film, and visual arts from renowned and upcoming artists is brought to Kampala.

The Festival has developed into a major multi-arts festival with varied and qualitative programming, presenting exciting, innovative and creative ideas. It is eagerly awaited by local artists and local people alike while artists from abroad and visitors from far afield pour into Kampala to take advantage of the exciting artistic experience – see report 2011 ( The Festival has truly become a highlight on Uganda’s social and cultural calendar and is also gradually developing into an important (East) African destination Festival, ensuring regional and international visitation and enhancing both national and international cultural tourism.

The Bayimba International Festival of the Arts is undoubtedly Uganda’s number one Festival – physically, by offering exciting artistic experiences to as many Ugandans as possible; artistically, by presenting Uganda’s finest artists and upcoming talents from across the country (discovered through its various activities, including one-day Festivals throughout Uganda); demographically, by engaging as many Ugandans as possible, thus making the Bayimba Festival their own; and organisationally, by being led by a team of committed and experienced Ugandans.

Past editions registered a significant increase in the participation of artists from Uganda, East Africa and beyond while the Festival audience grew from a mere 100 people in 2008 to 55,000 people in 2011. In its 5th year of celebration, the Festival is aiming at again the additional value of artistic performances and productions of participating artists from Uganda, East Africa and beyond as well as an increase in the number of our audiences. 

The enormous success of the Bayimba International Festival of the Arts would not have been possible without the support from a wide range of organisations and individuals that have sustained and lead to the growth of the Festival. The Festival continues to look out to widen and diversify its financial and in kind support base.

Always looking out for new artistic interventions, new ideas, new engagements and new partnerships, the Festival has grown to inspire so many stakeholders within the East African region -

Thursday, June 7, 2012


We have less than 3 weeks left before the Rio+20 Earth Summit and we ask that people give just 3 minutes of their time to request that our top leaders spend 3 days at the Summit to put us on a path toward a sustainable future. We cannot afford to miss this once-in-a-generation opportunity to deliver real progress in our cities, our countries, and our only planetary home. We need ambition and action from our leaders. The world is watching.



Sudan receives the flows of the White Nile from the equatorial lakes region as well as the flows of the Blue Nile and the other major tributaries rising in Ethiopia and in Sudan. These tributaries meet in Sudan, forming the Main Nile, and flow north into Egypt. The Nile Basin constitutes the largest part of the country’s area and a high proportion of the available water resources. Sudan has total population of 33.5 million people and total area of 2,505,813 sq. km
The Ministry of Irrigation and Water resources is NBI’s focal point ministry and its Minister is a member of the Nile-COM.  Two senior officials from the Ministry represent the country on the Nile Technical Advisory Committee (Nile-TAC). These are the Chairman for Water Resource Technical Organ and the Director Hydraulic Research Station respectively.
To facilitate in-country coordination of NBI’s activities, Sudan established a focal point institution within the National NBI Office whose specific roles include: to provide a forum for in-country coordination of NBI’s projects and activities; to assist with promoting coordination and integration with other relevant national activities and initiatives as well as logistical arrangements for incoming NBI missions.
The country contributes US$ 130,000 annually towards NBI’s operational costs. This is in addition to providing counterpart funds for all investment projects, as well as hosting and meeting all local for Projects Management Units based in Sudan, namely the Nile Trans-boundary Environment Action Project (NTEAP) from October 2003 to December 2009..  Also worth noting is the in-kind contribution to NBI in terms of supervision and technical guidance by Nile-TAC members, staff time by national staff attending specialized meetings on NBI issues organized at national level, hosting incoming NBI missions and offering office space for Project Management Units based in the country.
Furthermore, staff time through either secondment or direct hire of coordinators based on relevant sector institutions is increasingly being devoted to NBI’s different programs and projects.  Steady progress has been made in mainstreaming/integrating NBI activities in the national planning and budgeting processes.
Sudan is implementing NBI’s basin-wide capacity building projects and sub-regional investment projects. The projects are identified and prepared through a participatory process.
Sudan successfully participated in the implementation of the largely completed basin-wide capacity building projects.  The on-going Water Resources Planning and Management (WRPM) project is developing the necessary basin-wide management tools and building capacity for best practices. The Regional Power Trade (RPT) project is building capacity for power trade and development through preparation of the Comprehensive Basin Wide assessment of power options in the Nile Basin.
These projects fall under the Water Resources Development function of NBI. The portfolio of investment projects is categorised into three sectors: Power, Agriculture, and River Basin Management. This represents the priority needs of member countries – for increased access to reliable and cheap electricity, for increased food security and productivity and for increased protection and management of the environment as a basis for livelihoods of the basin populations. Projects active in Sudan are spearheaded, prepared and coordinated by NBI’s Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO) based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP) Coordination Unit based in Kigali, Rwanda. Project implementation is undertaken at national level.
Eastern Nile Joint Multipurpose Program
The project is looking into cooperative and sustainable development and management of the common Blue/Main Nile water resources, putting in place the requisite trans-boundary institutions, linking the beneficiary countries through multi-purpose storage and power system infrastructure, modernizing irrigation systems and promoting related investments such as in transport, private sector, rural electrification.
Ethiopia – Sudan Transmission Interconnection
This project aims at increasing reliability of supply in Ethiopia and Sudan by taking advantage of the hydro-thermal complementarities and the variability of the peak demand in the two systems. The Project included two Components: The Technical Feasibility study for the Ethiopia/Sudan Transmission Interconnection as well as the Environmental and Social Impact assessment
Eastern Nile Regional Power Trade Investment Program
To promote EN regional power trade through coordinated planning and development of power generation and transmission interconnection and creation of an enabling environment.
Flood Preparedness and Early Warning Project
This project will establish a regional institutional basis and strengthen the existing capacities of the Eastern Nile countries in flood forecasting, mitigation and management, promote regional cooperation as well as to enhance the readiness of these countries to subsequent implementation of the later phases of FPEW projects.
Regional Agricultural Trade and Productivity Project
This project will carry out studies that will highlight potential agriculture and agricultural trade opportunities in the Nile basin countries and beyond. It will also increase knowledge of basin agriculture in NBI institutions as well as promote more efficient and sustainable use of water resources and economically viable investment in agriculture.
Eastern Nile Irrigation and Drainage Study
The project supports the development and expansion of irrigated agriculture as well as improvement in the productivity of small and large-scale agriculture through improved agricultural water use. So far, 15,000 ha equally divided between Ethiopia and Sudan have been identified and studied up to feasibility level. At the same time, a pilot study on the existing irrigation projects in Ethiopia and Sudan has been conducted. The study covered three small scale irrigation schemes of Ethiopia and Rahad irrigation scheme in Sudan
River Basin Management
Eastern Nile Integrated Watershed Management
The objective of this project is to promote wider adoption of sustainable land and water management practices and technologies to reduce land degradation and increase agricultural productivity. The project is being implemented in the Atbara, Bau (or Ingessana), Dinder, and Lau subwatersheds in Sudan.Among other things, the Project will support beneficiary countries in overcoming natural resources degradation and promote sustainable livelihoods among the communities within the hot spot watersheds by employing various development interventions. This is in addition to contribution towards the reduction of sedimentation of downstream facilities.

Lake Nasser/Nubia Management Framework
The project will provide the overall framework for integrated Lake Nasser/Nubia basin management to guide development within the lake basin in order to ensure sustainable and integrated development without  endangering the lake basin ecosystems.
Baro-Akobo-Sobat Multipurpose water Resources Project
This project will enhance the water resources planning and management capabilities in the sub-basin through preparation of water resources development plans and projects that respect social, environmental and economic sustainability.

Eastern Nile Planning,Information and Knowledge Management Project
The development objective of the ENPM Project is that countries in the Eastern Nile operationalise an improved decision support modeling framework to identify water-related investments and evaluate them in a regional context.  The project is intended to strengthen the knowledge, modeling, and stakeholder interaction capacity of regional and national institutions to plan for water resources investments in a regional context, with appropriate regard to economic, environmental and social aspects.
Through its three core functions of: Building cooperation, Water Resource Management  and Water Resource Development, NBI provides Sudan with:
Building Cooperation
• A platform upon which the Nile Council of Ministers can dialogue on management and development of the shared water resources of the Nile
• A forum for technical exchange of ideas and experiences within water resources, natural resource management, power generation and trade
• Capacity building activities aimed at strengthening the ability of both people and institutions in different water related areas
Water Resource Management
• A mechanism for basin wide exchange of information and prior notification for water resources development
• State-of-the-art technical tools for organizing, storing, analysis and disseminating data and information collected by NBI programs and projects, including computer based databases with information such as discharge data for sub-basins and watershed, GIS information, biodiversity inventories, stakeholder inventories. The Nile Decision Support System (DSS) tool to facilitate strategic based wide planning and knowledge based policy and decision making. Also interactive CDs and web-based inventories such as the Nile-Information System (Nile-IS).
• Technical support in strengthening national water policy frameworks with a key focus on strengthening the consideration of the trans-boundary dimension.
• Knowledge on the basin’s water resources and monitoring of the basin’s health
• Analysis and scenarios development for sustainable resource management and for planning to maximize development opportunities at basin, sub basin and national levels
• Analytic tools and a shared information system that will enable monitoring and the sustainable management of the basin
• Better understanding and cooperative management of risk for a changing and uncertain climate
Water Resource Development
• Identification of development opportunities focused on power trade and generation, agriculture and river basin management
• Preparation of investment projects which contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction
• Assessing costs and benefits of participation in proposed projects and facilitate agreements on how to share costs and benefits with other beneficiary country.
• Projects implementation support including resource mobilization and preparation of multi-country agreements
• Technical assistance, know-how and expertise in project supervision
Early benefits
• Ability to share and exchange water resource data with the rest of the NBI member countries, following the adoption by the Nile-COM in July 2009, of the formal protocol developed under NBI.
• Use of the Decision Support System (DSS), a Basin-wide planning tool which enables decision makers to select the optimum investment planning options and best water resources management practices at national and regional levels.
• The Eta rainfall forecast model improved for better performance
• Power Interconnection Infrastructure projects with Egypt and Ethiopia
• Increased human capacity including Post Graduate training in Integrated Water Resource Management
• Trans-boundary policy frameworks, policies, guidelines, data and information base for water resources management.
• Community Based Micro Grant Projects demonstrating environment management practices and income generation.
Future Benefits
• Framework for integrated Lake Nasser/Nubia basin management
• Data and information for integrated water resources development in the Baro-Akobo-Sobat sub basin
• Reduced loss of life and damage of property through flood and drought management
• Expansion of irrigated agriculture, improved productivity of existing small and large scale agriculture through efficient water use
• Increased and stable power supply leading to economic growth and better quality of life of citizens
• Increased food security and productivity
Indirect benefits
• Ability to overcome associated impacts of climate change that are mostly manifesting through the hydrological cycle. These include floods and droughts that lead to serious water scarcity and food shortage.
• Enhanced Regional cooperation, peace, security and political stability, markets and trade hence economic growth.
• The annual Nile Basin Football Tournament.

Read more:



Yoweri Museveni

Is your leader attending Rio+20?

  • President Yoweri Museveni is not yet committed to attend Rio+20.

Does your country have a Rio+20 preparatory committee?

  • Uganda has a multi-stakeholder National Preparatory Committee. This includes engagement with business, local authorities, NGOs and CSOs.

Has your country completed a sustainable development review?

  • Uganda's national report on sustainable development will be published shortly.

Is your country planning on announcing new initiatives at Rio?

  • Uganda is considering establishing a National Sustainable Development Council (NSDC) in a move to position itself to fast-track the resolutions of the upcoming Rio+20 conferences. Read more here.

What is your vision for success at Rio+20?

  • Achieving progress in implementing global commitments.
  • A concise outcome document that has poverty eradication as the overriding goal in which developing countries, especially LDCs, are supported with adequate means of implementation in terms of financial resources, technology transfer and capacity building to achieve sustainable development.

What other major activities are happening in your country at the subnational, corporate, and civil society levels for Rio+20?

  • There is a Civil Society Forum on Rio+20 focusing on country-wide sensitization on issues of sustainable development and green economy. There has been national preparation to hold two side events in Rio on organic agriculture and eco-tourism



The hub for educating & empowering the next generation of sustainable development leaders, via the Rio+20 Earth Summit

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Call for Web / Graphic Designer

Web / Graphic Designer
Toronto, Canada

An international organization combining youth, technology and global community to create positive global change

Position: Web / Graphic Designer
Position Location: Toronto, Ontario
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Details: 40 hours/week
Salary: $26,000 – 32,000 /year, depending on experience
Applications Due: June 4th 2012

TakingITGlobal (TIG) is seeking a Web / Graphic Designer to join our team for a unique opportunity. Under the direction of our Creative Director, the ideal candidate will have the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to stimulating projects and expand their skill-set and network. Our model applicant can take great pride in contributing not only to our office on a local level, but also to TIG’s world-wide network.

~The TIG Team

Roles and Responsibilities
• Working on design for internal and external youth-focused projects including website, logos, and print materials.
• Creating illustrations, photo manipulation
• Maintaining brand consistency in all web & print projects
• Preparing material for press, including consultation with printing companies
• Updating web design work and enhancing the TakingITGlobal online community platform.

• Experience with web production and graphic design, 2+ years industry experience
• A strong knowledge of the current web design standards and technology
• A solid foundation in typography and general brand design
• Extremely detail oriented. Strives for pixel perfect implementation on all browsers.
• A strong knowledge of user interface design, information architecture and SEO process
• Proficient in all Adobe Creative Suite applications (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, etc.)
• Working knowledge of Flash, After Effects, and Final Cut Pro is an asset
• Ability to turn a mockup into valid XHTML and CSS (not required but has basic knowledge)
• Self-motivated with the ability to work quickly and efficiently while conquering creative challenges under short deadlines
Problem-solver that can think outside the box when required
Ability to work in a group setting, as well as independently and also be able to take direction by different project leads
Strong consultation skills to interact with management, staff and suppliers to support program areas
Excellent interpersonal skills to collaborate and build effective working relationships and to provide support and advice to the team regarding web production and graphic design issues

About TakingITGlobal

TakingITGlobal is an international organization lead by youth, empowered by technology. TakingITGlobal (TIG) connects youth from around the world to find inspiration, information and get involved in improving their local, regional and global communities.

TakingITGlobal’s mission is to provide opportunities for learning, capacity building, cross-cultural awareness, and self-development through the use of Information and Communication Technologies. Its key strategic initiatives include; providing a virtual space for cross-cultural expression, dialogue, networking and collaboration among youth, supporting youth action and understanding around global issues, developing rich interactive, global education experiences, and facilitating the development of local content, multilingualism and skills training.

TakingITGlobal has approximately 20 staff based in Toronto and an additional 20 staff who work part-time in different parts of Canada and around the world as well as hundreds of volunteers. Supporters include RBC Financial Group, Microsoft, the Government of Canada, the McConnell Foundation and Gordon Foundation. Please visit for further information.

Application Process:
Please include an online portfolio or pdf of your portfolio along with your resume and cover letter, and submit it to the Human Resources Department via

Application Deadline: June 11th 2012

Please electronically mail your cover letter and resume and include the title of the position in the subject line
of your email and let us know how you heard about the position. Please do not mail or personally submit resumes, as we are a small organization and do not have the capacity to respond.

We thank all candidates for their interest; however, due to the volume of applications and inquiries we receive, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Call for application Artist in Residency Programme in AUSTRALIA


The Africa Centre, together with artist in residency programmes in Australia, Brazil, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, South Africa and the United States of America have partnered to create the Artist in Residency (AIR) 2012 programme. The programme has been conceived to support artists from Africa who are provocative, innovative, relevant and highly engaged with both social issues and their art forms.
AIR manifests through existing artist in residency partnerships around the world that are prepared to select an artist from a short list provided by the Africa Centre, created from a Continental search, for one of their 2012 or 2013 residencies.
The costs of the residency and roundtrip airfare are included in each residency award made as part of this programme.
The residencies are available to all types of artists, but each residency on offer has different durations, structures and requirements. Applications must be sent between 1 April and 15 June 2012.
To apply or to find out more about the ten residencies available :
If you have any queries please email
Source : Africa Center


Africa In Pictures
Africa in the Picture (AITP) is an annual film festival in Amsterdam showcasing a unique selection of films from the African continent and its Diaspora. African filmmakers from all over the world are welcome to submit their work for the 15th Edition of the festival which will take place from 18 till 23 September 2012.

• Submission deadline: 1st June 2012
• No submission fees
• Audience awards for Best Short Film, Best Feature Film and Best Student Film

For general info please check:

For specific info or requests, call or email us at:
T: +31 (0)20 6227151

To submit please fill out the online entry form below. Complete your submission by sending us a dossier including:
1. a preview DVD
2. a printed and signed copy of the entry form
3. a press kit including at least two different film stills for the catalogue (300 dpi)

Please send the dossier to the following address:

The undersigned declares to possess all the perceptive rights of the film and to accept all the conditions as described in the festival's regulations.



Africa in the Picture (AITP) est un festival de FILMà Amsterdam qui présente une unique sélection de films du continent Africain et de sa Diaspora. Les cinéastes africains du monde entier sont invités à soumettre leur film pour la 15e édition du festival qui aura lieu du 18 au 23 Septembre 2012.

• Date limite d’inscription: le 1er Juin 2012
• Aucun frais de soumission
• Prix du public pour le meilleur court métrage, du meilleur long métrage et du meilleur film étudiant

Pour les infos générales, voir :

Pour plus d'infos ou des demandes spécifiques, appelez ou écrivez nous au :
T: +31 (0)20 6227151

Pour soumettre remplissez d’abord le formulaire d'inscription en ligne (voir ci-dessous). Complétez votre demande en nous envoyant un dossier comprenant:
1. un preview DVD
2. une copie imprimée et signée du formulaire d'inscription
3. un dossier de presse, y compris au moins deux différents photos du film pour le catalogue (300 dpi)

S'il vous plaît envoyez le dossier à l'adresse suivante:

Le soussigné déclare être en possession de tous les droits de perception du film et à accepter toutes les conditions décrites dans les règlements du festival.

Source : Judith van der Kooij
Marketing & communication

Africa in the Picture Film Festival
Nieuwe Leliestraat 169B
1015 HD Amsterdam
Tel: + 31 (0) 20 62 27 151


Art Moves Africa (AMA)Art Moves Africa (AMA) is an international not for profit organization aiming at facilitating cultural and artistic exchanges within the African continent.

AMA offers travel grants to artists and cultural practitioners living and working in Africa to travel within the African continent in order to engage in the exchange of information, the enhancement of skills, the development of informal networks and the pursuit of cooperation.

With the support of regular evaluations and statistics of applications received and of grants allocated to African cultural practitioners, AMA succeeds in developing its interventions as grant making organization and to identify needs within the African artistic mobility sector.

Following this perspective, in 2011 AMA commissioned a research study called “Mobility & Touring in East Africa” with the objective to identify the main actors of the performing arts field in East Africa and analyse the relevance and frequency of artistic mobility from that geographical area towards the whole African continent.

After the success of its first research experience on mobility & touring in East African performing arts field, AMA is planning to recruit a researcher in order to launch a new study on the visual arts sector in the same geographical area. The researcher will be working and travelling in east African countries.


  • Identification and mapping of available infrastructure and human resources in the visual arts field;

  • Identification and analysis of opportunities and the major obstacles to mobility in East Africa;

  • Proposal of feasible and practical solutions for the implementation of mobility.

Further information about term of references of research are available upon request to: 

Interested applicants are invited to send CV and motivation letter to:

Deadline to send applications: 4th June 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

STIR Relationships Manager, New Delhi, India

STIR Relationships Manager, New Delhi, India
Over the last decade, substantial progress has been made across the developing
world in improving access to education. Yet such improvements in access and
resources have not been matched with an equivalent increase in education quality and
outcomes. In India, 60% of second year children are unable to read a simple
paragraph, and 70% cannot perform simple mathematical tasks such as long division.
STIR is based on the belief that the most effective method of change is to build on
what the best teachers and schools are already doing. We’re creating a new
mechanism for collating the best ‘micro-innovations’ in education taking place in
classrooms globally. And by rigorously assessing their impact on learning and
attainment we aim to replicate and scale-up the most effective micro-innovations
across the developing world.
We’re now looking to recruit a Relationship Manager to join our team in Delhi.
You'll play a lead role in creating and managing a portfolio of micro-innovations
that, if scaled effectively, have the potential to make a positive impact on literacy
and numeracy on a global level.
You will have excellent skills in innovation management and stakeholder
engagement; experience in building relationships with senior policymakers, NGO
leaders and business leaders; and, crucially, you believe in the possibility of giving
all children an excellent education. We have three main goals in bringing this person
on to our team:
1. Enable STIR Fellows & Schools to succeed
STIR Fellows (teacher innovators) and Schools are working very hard to educate
India’s future. But they are also challenging the status quo and re-defining how
students learn and we want to help them develop and share their ideas globally.
2. Building & Managing Relationships
Our success is tied with the success of our Fellows and Schools and most importantly
of the students. The role of the Relationship Manager is pivotal in building
relationships with our corporate, non-profit and policy partners to create a path of
least resistance for the innovations to scale.
We also want our Relationship Managers to identify the most appropriate scale-up
partners for the STIR micro-innovations and work with the STIR Programme
Managers, as well as our schools and teachers, to successfully scale their ideas and
impact both national and global education policy.
3. Become the backbone of STIR in India
We’re a rapidly growing organization with ambitions to transform the education
landscape for the world’s poorest children. Overcoming the challenges in reaching our
goals will require building an entrepreneurial movement that learns from the
challenges as well as the successes and you’ll be the building blocks of this movement
in India.
STIR’s ability to successfully share and scale the most innovative teaching practices in
the world will hinge on creating an organization that people feel proud to be part of,
and we want you to help us create something that we can all be proud of!
The Relationship Manager will be responsible for building our partnerships with
corporate, non-profit and policy partners in order to take the ideas identified to
scale, and will be pivotal in all interaction between STIR and our partners. For the
first year we expect to screen over 300 applicants and recruit 25 Fellows from
Delhi to participate in the programme. In the second year we expect to select the
best 10 micro-innovations and take them to scale in partnership with corporate,
non-profit and policy partners.
The Ideal candidate will have at least 5 years of experience in either the non-profit
or corporate sectors and a strong demonstrated interest in the education sector
either through their work or as a volunteer and clear experience in managing
change or developing a portfolio of innovations
Required Skills & Experience
- Experience of leading projects especially experience of taking an idea from
inception to completion
- Experience of working with external partners and senior management
- Experience of overseeing multiple projects simultaneously
- Experience managing change and supporting others to do so
- Experience working with a large range of stakeholders from different sectors and
backgrounds and accessing external support and resources
- Experience mentoring and managing people and helping them to develop as
- Able to understand the factors that will enable change in a variety of contexts
- Sensitive to the different level of support people need and able to provide the
necessary support
- Data driven - make decisions based on numbers and information available
- Detail oriented - attention to detail is very important
Personal Qualities
- Strong commitment to excellent education for all and a belief in teachers and
school leaders as innovators
- Need to be highly presentable and personable especially as you create close links
with corporates, non-profits and policy makers
- Demonstrate maturity and the ability to lead
- Humility as you work with people from a wide variety of backgrounds and
3 experiences
- Resilience in the face of the challenges of impacting public education in India
- Creative – especially in terms of motivating people and finding ways to overcome
the challenges of working in the public sector
- Confident in wide variety of social settings
- Flexible and comfortable in a start-up environment
Specific Responsibilities
1. You’ll work very closely with Programme Managers and our partners to help them
take ideas from the classroom to a wider audience
2. To connect Fellows and Programme Managers with resources and develop
individualized solutions to their challenges in scaling their ideas
3. Build and manage relationships with all partners
4. Identify suitable partners for each innovation and plan and recruit resources to
enable successful scaling of the ideas
5. To design and conduct ongoing workshops to build Fellows’ skills
6. To actively cultivate a network of partners
7. Create appropriate marketing material and strategy to publicise the programme
and the micro-innovations of our Fellows to partners
Application Process
  • In a cover letter please share with us why you are interested in Education in
general and STIR specifically and why you think you’re suitable for the role?
  • Please also answer the following questions in 400 words or less:
  •  What would you do with Rs. 1 Lakh to impact education in India?
Talk through what you see as one key area that you’ll focus on, why
you think so, and how you’d spend the money.
  • A teacher has been highly successful using virtual money as a tool to
teach basic arithmetic operations to students – identify the most
appropriate partner that would enable this idea to scale most
widely and also state the resources and steps you’ll take to ensure
this method is used across all schools in Delhi.
  • Please also send a copy of your CV and details for two referees to
For more information about STIR and our mission please visit

[Women-Foresight] Millennia2015 conference: save the dates! - Millennia2025 Foundation: help us!


Millennia2015, An action plan for women's empowerment
International Conference organized by The Destree Institute
with the patronage of the UNESCO
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, Monday 3 & Tuesday 4 December 2012
Dear Madam, dear Sir, dear colleagues,

It is my pleasure to confirm that the international conference "Millennia2015, An action plan for women's empowerment" organized by The Destree Institute with the patronage of the UNESCO will take place on Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 December 2012 at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.

We are now in the heart of the Millennia2015 foresight research process, working on the basis of the analyses of the 37 variables of Millennia2015 sent by our contributors (many of you among them). The Millennia2015 international conference will be interactive, working with foresight as a method and the information society as context in solidarity. The participants will work together to finalize the Action plan. Visit Millennia2015 website regularly, it is in constant development.

In addition, we will organize Foresight research methodology qualifying trainings and specific meetings on Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6 December at the UNESCO.

The invitation letter and pre-registration form are available on Millennia2015 website


To help us in the important mission of Millennia2015, we have constituted the Millennia2025 "Women and Innovation" Foundation, public utility foundation. Based on the values of the Millennia2015 charter, the Millennia2025 Foundation is dedicated to collect funding in order to implement the Millennia2015 foresight research process.

We need partners and sponsors to realize our action plans for women actors of development for the global challenges in developing countries.

Help us all and donate, whatever you can, we already thank you for your contribution, we will valorize your help on Millennia2015 website!

Looking forward to welcoming you in Paris for the Millennia2015 conference at the UNESCO, we thank you for your attention and collaboration,
Kind regards,
Marie-Anne Delahaut and Coumba Sylla
Marie-Anne Delahaut  -
Institut-Destree_logo-ico-70          Millennia2015_Logo-Ico-70
Director of research at The Destree Institute, Head and founder of Millennia2015,
President of the Millennia2025 Foundation, PUF,
Head of the Information Society Unit of The Destree Institute,
NGO official partner of UNESCO (consultative status).  -  -
9, avenue Louis Huart, B5000 Namur, Wallonia
(Belgium) Tel: 32.495.213.981 -


Millennia2015, Un plan d'action pour l'autonomisation des femmes
Conférence internationale organisée par l'Institut Destrée
avec le patronage de l'UNESCO
Siège de l'UNESCO, Paris, lundi 3 et mardi 4 décembre 2012

Chère Madame, cher Monsieur, cher-e-s collègues,
C'est avec grande joie que je confirme que la conférence internationale "Millennia2015, Un plan d'action pour l'autonomisation des femmes" organisée par l'Institut Destrée avec le patronage de l'UNESCO se tiendra les lundi 3 et mardi 4 décembre 2012 au siège de l'UNESCO à Paris.

Nous sommes maintenant au cœur du processus de recherche prospective, nous travaillons sur base des analyses des 37 variables de Millennia2015 envoyées par nos contributeurs (plusieurs d'entre vous parmi eux). La conférence internationale de Millennia2015 sera interactive travaillant avec la méthode prospective et une société de l'information solidaire. Les participants travailleront ensemble pour finaliser le Plan d'action. Le portail de Millennia2015 est en constant développement, consultez-le régulièrement.

Nous organiserons des formations qualifiantes Millennia2015 en méthodologie de recherche prospective et des réunions spécifiques les mercredi 5 et jeudi 6 décembre à l'UNESCO.

La lettre d'invitation et le formulaire de préinscription sont en ligne sur le portail de Millennia2015 :


Pour nous aider à réaliser cette importante mission, nous avons constitué  la Fondation Millennia2025 "Femmes et Innovation", fondation d'utilité publique. Basée sur les valeurs de la charte de Millennia2015, la Fondation Millennia2025 a pour mission de récolter des fonds afin de mettre en Å“uvre le processus de recherche prospective de Millennia2015.

Nous avons besoin de partenaires et de sponsors  pour réaliser nos plans d'actions en faveur des femmes actrices de développement pour les enjeux mondiaux  dans les pays en développement.

Aidez-nous et faites un don, selon vos moyens : nous vous remercions déjà pour votre contribution et nous valoriserons votre aide sur le portail de Millennia2015 !

En nous réjouissant de vous accueillir à Paris pour la conférence Millennia2015 à l'UNESCO, nous vous remercions pour votre attention et votre collaboration,
Bien cordialement,
Marie-Anne Delahaut et Coumba Sylla
Marie-Anne Delahaut  -
Institut-Destree_logo-ico-70          Millennia2015_Logo-Ico-70
Directrice de recherche à l'Institut Destrée, Responsable fondatrice de Millennia2015,
Présidente de la Fondation Millennia2025, FUPu,
Responsable du Pôle Société de l'information de l'Institut Destrée,
ONG partenaire officiel de l'UNESCO (statut de consultation).  -  -
9, avenue Louis Huart, B5000 Namur, Wallonie (Belgique) Tel: 32.495.213.981 -



ANHAD (Act Now for Harmony and Democracy) and Sangat, a South Asian
feminist network, are now inviting nominations for the Meeto Memorial
Award for the year 2012.

The Award comprises of Indian Rupees one lakh, a citation and a
memento. If more than one person is selected, the money will be
shared. The recipients will be invited to present their work at the
award ceremony. The Award will be announced in October every year. The
recipients of the Award will be chosen by a selection committee whose
decision will be final.

To be eligible, nominees must be:

* Under the age of 40
* Citizens of a South Asian country (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan,
India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka)
* Working on issues of communal harmony, peace, justice and/or human
rights, broadly conceived; the nominee may be working anywhere in the
world, but the focus of the work should be on South Asia as defined
* Working in any capacity in the field of activism, advocacy,
academia, and journalism, and in any medium such as writing, art,
dance, music, film, and theatre.

Individuals can nominate themselves or other eligible people.

Nominations must be sent in writing, and accompanied by a detailed CV
of the nominated person, a note on reasons for nomination and a duly
filled form
Nominations must be received before 30 June 2012 and should be sent to:

Email : contact (at)

or be posted at
Meeto Memorial Award Secretariat
23, Caning Lane, New Delhi 110001 (India)

For more information see:
 PDF - 75.7 kb

COLOUR ME RED photography contest

Girls On The Go in association with TRIDENT HOTELS presents:


A unique photo contest attempting to capture your tryst with the colour RED.
RED - A colour that reflects many moods. It lends itself to passion and romance, to boundless energy and courage. Its vibrant and it is fun. Its no surprise then that Red is the colour that fuels Girls On The Go too. Join GOTG and Trident Hotels as we celebrate the colour RED.

Based on the maximum votes and the decision of the judges, top 2 entries ( 1 winner every fortnight for a month) will win a 3 days/2nights, stay at TRIDENT HOTELS. From breathtaking views of the Mansagar lake in Japiur to red sandstone architecture reminiscent of the Mughal era in the land of the Taj Mahal – Agra, at Trident Hotels you can look forward to an unforgettable holiday with your loved one.

So share your vision and get set to say COLOUR ME RED.

How to submit your photos:

1. Upload your photos (maximum 3 per person), on the wall of the 'Girls On The Go' Facebook page, along with a description of your photo.

2. Inbox us your full name and contact details.

3. 'Like' the page of Trident Hotels at :

The Contest shall be valid from May 11 to June 11, 2012 (the "Contest Period", inclusive of both start date and close date).


In 2008, Dignity International conducted the first South Asia Regional Linking & Learning Programme on Human Rights in Development with our partner, Tata Institute of Social Sciences. This year, the 2nd South Asia Regional Workshop aims to continue the gains made with partners since the first workshop in India.

The upcoming workshop hosted in Sri Lanka offers a new group of NGOs from all the South Asian countries another good chance to learn and reflect on HRBA in a post-conflict nation. Using the Human Rights Based Approach to Development, there will be greater possibilities of ideas for a progressive South Asia.

20 to 25 participants will be chosen to participate in this programme. This programme is open to applicants from South Asian countries only - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

For more information about the programme, please click here>>>

If you or your organisation know of anyone who will be interested in experiencing Dignity's training, do let them know. If possible, please help us send out this message to your network too.

Deadline for application is on the 31st MAY 2012, 11.59PM (GMT+8)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Communication and Storytelling

Intensiv one-week course that provides participants with basic skills within communication and storytelling


Formal writing
Professional and efficient business communication, including email communication and how to compose a CV and application letters for jobs, funding or others.

Article writing and Press releases
Storytelling, interview technique, target groups, brainstorming and decision making technique.

Social Media Channels
The use, purpose, and potential of: Twitter, facebook, linkedin, blogging, website incl. getting participants online.

The basic guidelines for a good layout in marketing material (flyers, brochures, etc.)

For further information or enrolment please contact course trainer
Julie Krogh:
+255 688 020 359
Course start
Monday, June 4, 2012

Course end
Friday, June 8, 2012

Global Platform Dar es Salaam Tanzania

Who can participate
NGO and communication employees

210 USD

More Information


MS-TCDC Dar es Salaam is conducting an intensive one-week communication course that provides participants with tools to communicate consistent, efficient and in an inspiring way. The course will touch upon various aspects of organizational and corporate communication as well as storytelling, and will be adjusted to the specific interests of the participants.

Campaigning for Change – Jordan

Campaigning for Change – Jordan

A 4 weeks intensive course giving youth and volunteers the skills needed to design and plan campaign strategies and become future activists and change-makers in their local communities.

Campaigning for Change this summer in Jordan is an intensive course building your knowledge, skills and attitudes with relation to designing and planning campaigns for social change in a Middle Eastern context.
Throughout the course we will work on developing a joint campaign strategy about:

Campaigning for Change – Jordan

A 4 weeks intensive course giving youth and volunteers the skills needed to design and plan campaign strategies and become future activists and change-makers in their local communities.

Campaigning for Change this summer in Jordan is an intensive course building your knowledge, skills and attitudes with relation to designing and planning campaigns for social change in a Middle Eastern context.
Throughout the course we will work on developing a joint campaign strategy about:
The Growing Violence in Jordanian Universities

The Growing Violence in Jordanian Universities
The violence in Jordanian universities is growing. People are being stabbed, beaten and sometimes even killed on university ground. The reasons for the violence relate to several core social issues in the country such as: tribal conflicts, gender, honor and discrimination against minorities. Not enough is being done to stop the violence at the moment – But where should we start? How should we handle it? And how can we use campaigning as a tool to solve the issue?
The focus of the course will be on learning and practicing campaign tools and on developing a strong campaign strategy but we will also try our strategy out in practice by implementing a specific campaign activity.
In the last week of the course we will direct our focus towards future campaigns in our local communities. In order to engage more youth in campaigns we need to be able to share our knowledge with them, and therefore the last week is dedicated to facilitation and developing workshops about campaigning. We will develop short campaign workshops and carry them out for volunteers and youth activists in one of ActionAid Denmark's partner organizations in Jordan.
As a participant you will
  • Get an in depth insight into the chosen campaign issue through field trips, guest speakers and other activities out-of-the-house
  • Get a thorough understanding of what campaigning is and what different approaches and models can be used to develop good and effective campaigns
  • Develop a creative campaign strategy
  • Carry out a campaign event
  • Share your new knowledge about campaigning to youth in the local community by facilitating workshops for them 
Course content
  • What is campaigning?
  • Campaign strategies and models
  • The different phases of campaigning
  • Implementation of campaign activities
  • Facilitation and workshop planning
  • Implementation of campaign workshops
This course is open for Arab and international participants and will be conducted in English.
Course start
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Course end
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Global Platform Jordan

Who can participate
Youth practitioners – who are involved in civil society work, activist and volunteers who like to learn more about campaigns.

1250 US$ / 7000 DKK
Participants from Arab countries: Contact us directly for information about course price and possibility for scholarship. ( The price includes tuition fee, course materials, accommodation in shared rooms, full board and field trips. There is no allowance or transport costs included in the price.

More Information
This course is open for Arab and international participants and will be conducted in English. Application deadline: 1st of June 2012

Course start: 24th of June 2012
Course end: 19th of July 2012
Location: Global Platform Jordan
Price: 1250 US$ / 7000 DKK
Participants from Arab countries: Contact us directly for information about course price and possibility for scholarship (
The price includes tuition fee, course materials, accommodation in shared rooms, full board and field trips. There is no allowance or transport costs included in the price.
Course contact: Nadia Norvang (
Application deadline: 1st of June 2012